Friday, December 17, 2021

 Hello everyone today we are learning about .Forced perspective photos for the 1 one I had a big basket ball floating on my head .On the second one I was pulling suvalis hair.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Haiku Winter

Hi this is my first time doing a haiku writing. It only  has to be 3 lines going like 5.7.5 syllables and its a traditional in Japan .

Winter is the best

You can have a snowball fight

I like ice skating

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Why We Should Have A Three Day Weekend

  Why we should have a 3 day weekend

I strongly believe that we should have three day weekends.  There are so many reasons and I would love to tell you some of them. 

First of all we should  have a three day weekend so people can rest . Some people  don't rest on weekends because of work like nurses and doctors.  They can't rest that much because they have to save people's lives. For kids like me it would feel like a dream come true  like you can sleep in. 


Secondly, with more days off, people can spend more time with their friends and family. 

I think that we don't  have enough time  for our family .

You can have a sleepover with your friends or a Movie night with your family. Shop, shop, shop! Go shopping and go to the park basically to spend time with your family.

Thirdly you can rest more and get ready for school or work  because you will have less school time. We should have a three day weekend  because For kids like me it would feel like a dream come true  like you can sleep in. 

In conclusion I just think it's best to have a three day weekend and I hope you agree with me .

Friday, October 22, 2021

My Mega Air poster

In my class we are learning to make a poster about our favorite  place or the place that we went to in the weekends.  


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Why Summer Is The Best Season

If you're deciding which is the best season you should choose summer. I am going to tell you why. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


After reading lukes way of looking we were asked to create abstract art portraits of our self. 



We have been looking at ways to add impact to our narratives. We found out that onomatopoeia enhances our stories.